If you find yourself in the unenviable position of taking a multinational corporation to court, as you likely will be aware, additional complexities will result. Particularly if the parties involved in the court case speak another language, the help of a legal translator is inevitable. Not only will all documents submitted in court require translation into a language other than your own, but a foreign nation will also have a very different legal system from the one you are used to.
On our Translationz Australia website we posted this article about localizations. This is the first of a series of articles on this subject matter. Translationz is working with many clients localizing their websites, manuals and marketing materials.
Interesting predictions for 2020. One prediction noted is that universal translation will be commonplace in mobile devices. Accuracy depends on the language.
Interpreter’s must remain without bias in all circumstances.
It is a frequent occurrence that our interpreters are asked for their advice and recommendations while providing interpreter services. Our professional interpreters know, as noted in this article, an interpreter’s job is just to translate from one language to another accurately and without bias.
We love this wisdom from Steve Martin. At Translationz, we strive to apply this wisdom every day.